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Student Led Conference - 2017

The Student Led Conference, here it comes

In IWS, Gurgaon on 9th Sep, visit in large sums

The graveyard came back to life

With scientists from all times

The bus ride to the graveyard

The magical curious minds on ride

Alfred Nobel the day’s sutradar

Who awoke from the grave

Miss Anushka and the students spent

A moonless night to the grave they went

Kanad came to discover the atoms

But never was given importance at first

Galileo came from the time long ago

His telescope he got along to show

Aristotle and Galileo had a fight

To prove which one of them was right

The Newton’s laws wasn’t so easy to prove

He stated how far a ball could move

Benjamin Franklin tried to get close to the sky

To collect the charge so people don’t die

Charles Darwin and his laws of evolution

Stated why we all are still station

Gregor Mendel and his study on genes

Did an experiment on the offspring’s of peas

Louis Pasteur and his vaccinations came by

Their presence made sure we never cry

Edison and Tesla were still on a debate

The AC vs. DC could not find its fate

The Periodic table song was a great success

Mendeleev’s work was well expressed

Einstein did his research in Physics and Philosophy

The world saw his curiosity as only comedy

Rutherford made a model of nuclear weapons

To make weapons more and more dangerous

Marie Curie the first female scientist

Who won two Nobel Prizes

James Watson discovered the DNA structure

Was a biologist, geneticist molecular

Graham bell invented the telephone

Till date we use it all over the world

The students and parents travelled by the magical school bus

And the graveyard was a great success

Each lab had a different experiment to show

Chem., bio and physics all types you will know

The children and parents had a blast

Travelling through the graveyards, labs and time passed

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